Here is the current schedule for the tour starting October 5, 2014:
Dear family, friends, and art collectors,
I hope this letter finds you well as it may have been a while since you have received my updates or heard from me. During the past year, I experienced some personal hurdles that drove me to keep a more private lifestyle. However, I was fortunate to gain several custom commissions throughout the year that continued to further my art career and sustain my living. Now that I am steady and ready again to advance to the next level and come out from “under the radar,” I have formulated a plan that will help catapult my art career goals and dreams tremendously. My hope is that I will be able to accomplish this plan with the help of my loyal art patrons, you and yours.
To give you some background and thoughts as to why I desire to carry out this plan, here is some information that will satisfy your curiosity. With spending much reflection on my career successes to date and my personal development over the year, I have appreciably realized those things that are most effective, important, interesting, and close to my heart regarding my art career: one, to be able to create my own originals and custom pieces in my style that bring myself and my collectors great joy, two, to be able to travel, expand and grow my market, fans, and collector base considerably through shows and networking in different states, and three, to help others in need through the sales of my work. Having made these conclusions, here is the plan, that hopefully with your patronage, will allow me to accomplish these tasks simultaneously within a twelve month time period through this event titled the ART BY KVK TOUR 2014-2015 “How Did I GIT Here?.” This title is the name of my next series that will chronologically, symbolically, poetically, musically, and visually depict the stages of my life in my “country” collage style format of art of which will also contain other additional surprises.
You have all heard of Kickstarter right? Well, this idea is similar, but different on many levels as you will see when you read the plan. The following paragraphs outline the details which make up the ART BY KVK TOUR 2014-2015
“How Did I GIT Here?”:
A. June 1, 2014 Proposal letters, emails, and social media announcements to gain pledges
B. July 1, 2014 – Sponsorship Funds and Networking Material Collected
C. July 2014 – Sponsors Notified, Kick Off Party Scheduled
D. July, August, September, October 2014 – KVK Creates New Original Series “How Did I GIT Here?” (12 new original pieces). KVK prepares for tour.
1. We will have the first exclusive unveiling of new pieces. These pieces will be available for purchase for the first time.
2. Patrons will get to see my tour van with sponsorship and other materials collected to start tour.
3. Networking and sponsorship packets dispersed to sponsors.
II. TOUR BEGINS (End of October 2014)
A. The states where the tour/shows will take place- Arizona, Nevada, California, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas. Sponsors will be updated through emails and social media on specific locations throughout the year.
B. Approximately once a month for twelve months, KVK will visit a new state where at least 1-2 shows will take place in which KVK will market, network, gain fans, and sell Art by KVK new and existing originals, prints on canvas, pillows, coasters, mugs and cards.
C. Also, once a month, KVK will create one custom new painting for the 12 top patrons/sponsors (I will explain more on this later).
D. During the course of twelve months, there will be video, social media, blogs, email updates and diaries that will be displayed in a digital/virtual/photographic format for you and all fans to follow.
E. I will be working closely with other organizations, PR programs, and professionals like the Cowboy Lifestyle Network (, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the East Valley (, and Barney Davey (art marketing author, consultant, blogger, and podcaster) (
III. TOUR COMMENCES (End of October 2015)
A. TOUR WRAP PARTY November 2015 for all the patrons and charitable organizations once again
1. Patrons receive their compensation for sponsorship.
2. Patrons receive a detailed report on the events of the tour as well as how much money was raised through sales at shows and the amount that will be donated to charity.
3. Patrons view and retrieve the custom pieces created during the tour at this time that the top 12 will take home.
C. ART BY KVK is more well-known and busier than ever because of you!